Juanito is about to fulfill his dream: to be a dancer. Karime arrives in Barcelona to find the imprint of her aunt-grandmother Carmen Amaya, the best flamenco dancer of all time.
Juanito is about to fulfill one of his dreams: to have a pair of red ankle boots which will make him a real flamenco dancer. Flamenco is transmitted through family traditions within the gypsy community by Carmen Amaya, the greatest flamenco dancer of all time. Her niece-granddaughter, Karime, arrives in Barcelona to relive her career. The trip is completed when Winny, her mother, joins her from Mexico with the mission of preparing a show with the best talents in the city. Together they will discover the spirit of Bajarí, the name of the city of Barcelona in caló, the language of the gypsies.
Documentary Genre
In 2013
Duration 92 minutes.
Directed by Eva Vila
Screenplay by Puig Puig, Eva Vila
Music Miscellaneous
Production Lastor Media / Araki Films / Cromossoma / Televisió de Catalunya (TV3) with the support of ICEC, ICAA.
Executive production Tono Folguera
Production manager Mariona Clavería, Gisela Cano
Director of Photography Joan Tisminetzky
So live Amanda Villavieja
Distribution Emilio Oliete
Distribution Asia Pica Office and Pandora Films
International Sales Wide House (Paris)
Artistic profile Karime Amaya, Juanito Manzano, Winny Amaya, Juan Manzano “El Coco”, el “Tuto”, Edu Cortés.

International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA). Netherlands.
DocsBarcelona. Spain.
Malaga International Film Festival. Spain.
International Film Festival of the World, Montreal. Canada.
Guadalajara International Film Festival. Mexico.
Flahertian of Russia. Special Jury Mention.
Mediawave Film Festival. Hungary.
CinemaSpagna. Netherlands.
Spanish Film Festival. Toronto, Canada.
Yamagata International Film Festival. Japan.